1.2 System Unit Block Diagram | 1 Hardware Overview |
The system unit of the computer consists of the following components:
Processor: Mobile Banias
•Mobile Banias
−Core speed: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 GHz
−System bus: 400 MHz
−Core operating at 1.484 V
−Integrated level 1 cache: 64 KB
(32KB instruction cache and 32KB data cache)
−MMX and Katmai New Instruction (KNI) supported
•PC2100 DDR SDRAM supported
•128/256/512MB modules supported
−128 MB (8M x 16 x 8P)
−256 MB (16M x 16 x 8P)
−512 MB (16M x 16 x 16P)
−512 MB (32M x 16 x 8P)
•2.5 volt operation
•No parity bit
TECRA S1 Maintenance Manual |