3.9 Communication | 3 Diagnostic Programs |
Stop Bit: Choose the stop bit;
Word Size: Choose the bit number in one word;
Baud Start/End: Select the start baud rate and end baud rate.All the baud rates between the start and end baud rate would be tested in the test.
4. External Loop back
This test item is to check whether there is no open circuit issue in the COM port.
The parameter dialog window is the same as that in ‘3. Internal Loop back’.
5. FIFO Test
Check whether FIFO works normally.
The parameter dialog window is the same as that in ‘2. IRQ Check’.
6. Parity Check
Verify whether the parity check in the COM port works normally.
7. Stop Bits Check
Verify whether the stop bits check in the COM port works normally.
8. Word Length Check
Verify whether the word length check in the COM port works normally.
Subtest 03 | IrDA |
This test item is divided into Fast IR (FIR) and Slow IR (SIR). FIR supports the transfer rates of 0.576Mbps, 1.152Mbps and 4.000Mbps; SIR supports the transfer rates of 2400bps, 4800bps, 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, and 115200bps. The unit under testing (UUT) is called Slave, that requires a unit whose IrDA works normally(that is called Master) for transferring data between Slave and Master. Below is the parameter dialog window of IrDA test.
TECRA S1Maintenance Manual | 51 |