84Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings


Table 7 • Print Settings (Continued)




If necessary, adjust the position of the media over the tear-off bar after printing.


Higher numbers move the media out (the tear line moves closer to the leading edge of


the next label).


Lower numbers move the media in (the tear line moves closer to the edge of the label


just printed).



1Media direction

2Factory-set tear line location at position 000

Accepted values: –120 to 120

Related ZPL command(s): ~TA

SGD command used: none

Control panel menu item: TEAR OFF on page 21

Printer web page: View and Modify Printer Settings > General Setup >

Tear Off

Print Mode Select a print mode that is compatible with your printer options.

Accepted values: TEAR OFF—The printer prints label formats as it receives them. The printer operator can tear off the printed labels any time after they print.

PEEL—The printer peels the label from the liner during printing and then pauses until the label is removed. The liner winds onto the rewind spindle.

REWIND—The printer prints without pausing between labels. The media is wound onto the rewind spindle after printing.

CUTTER—The printer prints a label and then cuts it free.

Related ZPL command(s): ^MM

SGD command used: media.printmode

Control panel menu item: PRINT MODE on page 21

Printer web page: View and Modify Printer Settings > General Setup >

Print Mode

