ly to keep from sliding out of the seat.
BThe likelihood of lateral tipover is in- creased under any of the following condi- tions, or combinations of them:
1 traveling on an uneven surface;
2 traveling at excessive speed.
CTipping forward can occur and its likeli- hood is increased under the following con- ditions, or combination of them:
1 The operator should stay with the pow- ered floor scrubber if it falls off a loading dock or ramp. The operator should hold on firmly and lean away from the point of impact.
2 Where the enviroment presents a se- vere hazard, or there are other unusual operating conditions, the user may need to establish different and/or additional safety precautions and special operat- ing instructions appropriate for the con- ditions.
Operator care of the unit
At the beginning of each shift and before operating the powered floor scrubber, check its condition, giving special attention to the following:
Acondition of tires
Bif pneumatic tires, check inflation pressures
Cwarning and safety devices
Glift and tilt systems
Hchains and cables
Ilimit switches
Ksteering mechanism
Ladditional items or special equipment as specified by the user and/or manufac- turer
If the unit is found to be in need of repair or in any way unsafe, or contributes to an un- safe condition, the matter shall be reported immediately to the user’s designated au- thority, and the unit shall not be operated until it has been restored to safe operating condition.
If during operation the unit becomes unsafe in any way, the matter shall be reported im- mediately to the user’s designated authori- ty, and the unit shall not be operated until it has been restored to safe operating condi- tion.
Do not make repairs or adjustments unless specifically authorized to do so.
Do not use open flames when checking electrolyte level in storage batteries.
Operation of the unit may be hazardous if maintenance is neglected or repairs, re- builds, or adjustments are not performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s design criteria. Therefore, maintenance facilities (on or off premises), trained personnel, and detailed procedures shall be provided.
Parts manuals and maintenance manuals may be obtained by the powered floor scrubber manufacturer.
In unusual cases not covered by the man- uals referred above, consult the powered floor scrubber manufacturer.
Maintenance and inspection of the unit shall be performed in conformance with the following practices:
Aa schedules planned maintenance, lu- brication, and inspection system shall be followed; consult the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bonly tranined and authorized personnel shall be permitted to maintain, repair, adjust, and inspect the unit, and in ac- cordance with manufacturer’s specifica- tions.
When lifting powered floor scrubbers for re- pair or inspection, the units shall be lifted in a safe, secure, stable manner. Removal of components such as counterweights or up- rights will change the center of gravity and may create an unstable condition.
Before starting inspection and repair of powered floor scrubber:
Araise drive wheels free of floor and dis- connect battery and use chocks or other positive
Bblock chassis before working on them;
Cdisconnect battery before working in the electrical system;
Dthe charger connector shall be plugged only into the battery connector and nev- er into the unit connector.
Operation of the powered floor scrubber to check the performance shall be conducted in an authorized area where safe clearance exists.
ABefore starting to operate the unit:
1 be in operating position;
2 apply brake;
3 place directional controls in neutral;
4 turn switch to ON position;
5 check functioning of lift and tilt systems, steering, warning devices, and brakes.
BBefore leaving the unit:
1stop unit;
2place directional control in neutral;
3apply the parking brake;
4stop the engine or turn off the power;
5turn off the control circuit;
6if the unit must be left on an incline, block the wheels.
Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection equipment present in the work area. Do not use an open flame to check the level of any fluid, especially battery electrolyte. Do not use open pans of fuel or flammable clean- ing fluids for cleaning parts.
Properly ventilate work area, vent exhaust fumes, and keep shop clean and dry. Brakes, steering mechanisms, control mechanisms, warning devices, lights, gov- ernors, guards and safety devices, articu- lating axle stops, and frame members shall be carefully and regularly inspected and maintained in safe operating condition.
Any unit not in safe operating condition shall be removed from service.
Repairs to the electrical system of battery powered floor scrubbers shall be performed only after the battery has been disconnect- ed.
Operating Temperature. When the tem- perature of any part of any powered floor scrubber is found to be in excess of its nor- mal operating temperature and creates a hazardous condition, the vehicle shall be removed from service and shall not be re- turned to service until the cause for such overheating has been eliminated.
Fire Prevention.The unit shall be kept in a clean condition and reasonably free of lint, excess oil, and grease. Noncombustible agents are preferred for cleaning the unit. Flammable liquids [those having flash points at or above 100°F (37,8°C)] are not allowed. Precautions regarding toxicity, ventilation, and fire hazard shall be appro- priate for the agent or solvent used. Nameplate Visibility. The unit type desig- nations as shown on the nameplate and the type markers shall not be covered over with paint so that their identification information is obscured.
Changing and Charging Storage Batter- ies.
This section shall apply to batteries used on electric trucks. The two types of batteries commonly are lead and
AFlushing spilled electrolyte;
BFire protection;
CProtecting charging apparatus from damage by trucks, and
DAdequate ventilation for dispersal of fumes from gasing batteries.
A conveyor, overhead hoist, or equivalent material handling equipment shall be pro- vided for handling batteries.
Chain hoists shall be equipped with load- chain containers. Where a hand hoist is used, uncovered batteries shall be covered with a sheet of plywood or other noncon-
English 5