(Fig. 24) - The desired coffee quantity (dose) to be ground may be set in the machine.
The dose is set by the manufacturer to a medium value that meets all tastes. Reference (A) in correspondence with reference (B). By turning the knob (4) inside the coffee bean hopper counterclockwise the quantity of ground coffee is increased; by turning the knob clockwise the quantity of ground coffee is decreased. The dose adjustment must be performed before pressing the coffee button.
This system allows an optimal brewing with any kind of coffee on the market.
Note: If the machine does not brew coffee, make sure that the water tank contains enough water by verifying the water level on the
left side of the machine.
Before brewing coffee, make sure that
the green temperature ready light (19) is permanently on and that the water tank and the
coffee hopper are full.
•(Fig. 27 - 28) - Place 1 or 2 cups beneath the dispensing spout (11). You may adjust the height of the dispensing spout to your cups.
•Adjust the desired quantity of coffee to be brewed by means of the knob (17): by turning the knob clockwise the quantity of coffee to be brewed is increased; by turning the knob counterclockwise the quantity of coffee to be brewed is decreased.
•Press the button (18) to brew coffee. The brewing cycle starts: press the button (18) once to brew 1 coffee. Press it twice to brew 2 coffees.
In this operation mode, the machine
grinds and measures automatically the right quantity of coffee. Two coffees require two
grinding and brewing cycles that are automatically managed by the machine.
•After the prebrewing cycle, coffee begins to come out of the dispensing spout (11).
•On reaching the dose programmed with the knob (17), the machine will automatically stop brewing. It is nevertheless possible to interrupt coffee brewing by pressing the button (18).
Warning: at the beginning, short spurts
of hot water may come out: danger of scalding. The hot water spout may reach high temperatures: do not touch it with bare hands.
•Before dispensing hot water, make sure that the green temperature ready light (19) is on.
When the machine is ready to brew coffee, proceed as follows:
•Place a cup and/or a container beneath the hot water/steam spout (12).
•(Fig. 29) - Open the knob (14) by turning it counterclockwise.
•When the desired quantity of hot water has been dispensed, turn the knob (14) clockwise to stop dispensing. The machine returns to the normal operating mode.
Steam may be used to froth milk for cappuccino and to heat beverages.
Danger of scalding! At the beginning, short spurts of hot water may come out. The steam spout may reach high temperatures: do
not touch it with bare hands.
•When the machine is ready to brew coffee, press the button (20). The machine needs a heating phase.
•Before steam ejection, wait until the green temperature ready light (21) is permanently on.