Office 1600IP | Use the phone like a professional |
| Use team keys |
| Page 47 |
Use team keys
You and your team partners want to be constantly available as a team. You want to be able to call each other simply by pressing a key.
You can define a team key for each team partner and assign this key to a group.
Note: Office 1600: The team keys are independent of the team keys on the coupled Office terminal.
Define and assign team keys
You have opened the main view.
Click Group in the toolbar. The group view is opened.
Open a group for team A:
1.In the menu, select Groups/New group. The name dialog is ope- ned.
2.Enter the name (for example ”Team A”) and click OK. A new group tab with the name "Team A" is added.
Note: You can also create the new team keys in an existing group tab (but not in a workgroup tab).
Note: You can also store different key types, such as team keys and function keys, in the same group tab.