Getting To Know the Cash Register
This chapter shows you the basics of using your cash register after you set it up. If you have not yet set up your cash register, see the Quick Start sheet that came in the box with your cash register or Getting Started on page 3.
Opening and Closing the Customer Display
You can open and rotate the customer display so customers can see what is happening. When you move the register or store it, close the display so it doesn’t get damaged.
Your cash register has 1 display line:
•1 line that shows letters and numbers (Alphanumeric)
The Alphanumeric display shows 10 digits for character descriptions in both register and programming modes. It also shows numbers.
To open and close the display
1To open the rear customer display, pull up and rotate to view from any direction.
2To close, turn the display to face the rear of the machine and press down. The following codes can appear in the display:
Alpha 583cx User’s Guide