Fast EtherHub 3500 System User’s Guide
Configuring the System 4-41
Displayed items are briefly described in the following table.
Field Description
Hub ID Hub identifier within the stack.
Position The physical position in the stack (as determined by its position from the top of the FlexBus chain).
Port ID Port identifier on the hub.
Readable Frames Number of good frames received.
Readable Octets Number of good octets received.
FCS Errors Number of Frame Control Sequence errors.
Alignment Errors Number of mis-synchronized data packets detected by this device.
Frames Too Long Number of times frame length has exceeded the maximum allowable size (i.e., 1518 bytes).
Short Events Number of short fragments.
Runts Number of fragments (that were too long to qualify as short events).
Collisions Number of simultaneous node transmissions detected by this device.
Late Events Number of frames where a collision occurred late in the transmission.
Data Rate Mis. Number of frames for which the data rate does not match the local frequency.
Auto Partitions Number of times this port has been automatically partitioned due to jabber.
Total Errors Total number of errors, including FCS, alignment, FramesTooLong, ShortEvents, LateEvents,
Jabber, and DataRateMismatches detected on this device.
LSA Changes Number of times the source address has changed.
Last Source Addr. Last source address.
Symbol Errors Number of symbol errors (i.e., code-group errors including collision artifacts or transmission errors).
Note that these errors are unique to 100 Mbps analog signals.
Table 4.21 Port Statistics Menu