Fast EtherHub 3500 System User’s Guide
Configuring the System 4-17
Configuring IP Trap Managers
When the hub experiences an unusual event, a message is
issued to all listed network managers. Networks compliant
with Internet Protocol (IP) can pass trap messages to IP Trap
Managers as shown below:
IP Trap Managers
Return to Previous Panel
IP Address Community Name Status
1. public ENABLED
2. public DISABLED
3. public DISABLED
4. public DISABLED
5. public DISABLED
Return to previous panel.
Use arrow keys to move. <Enter> to confirm.
<Ctrl+T> to return to Main Menu.
Figure 4-8 IP Trap Managers Menu
Menu items are briefly described in the following table.
Field Description
IP Address IP address of the trap receiver. (Use dotted decimal notation.)
Community Name The community string required for trap access.
Status The current entry can be ENABLED or DISABLED.
Table 4.7 IP Trap Managers Menu