Command Reference Guide Route Map Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 1190

set ip precedence [<value> | critical | flash | fl ash-override | immediate |

internet | network | priority | routine]

Use the set ip precedence command to set the precedence value in the IP header of the packet. Use the no
form of this command to remove the precedence value.
Syntax Description
<value> Sets the IP precedence (in numeri c value). (Valid range: 0 to 7 in
ascending order of importance.)
routine Sets th e IP precedence as routine. (Numeric value of 0.)
priority Sets the IP precedence as priority. (Numeric value of 1.)
immediate Sets th e IP precedence as immediate. (Numeric value of 2.)
flash Sets the IP precedence as flash. (Numeric value of 3.)
flash-override Sets the IP precedence as flash-override. (Numeric value of 4.)
critical Sets the IP precedence as critical. (Numeric value of 5.)
internet Sets th e IP precedence as internet. (Numeric value of 6.) This level is
reserved for internal network use.
network Sets the IP precedence as network. (Numeric value of 7.) This level is
reserved for internal network use.
Default Values
No default value necessary for this command.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 2000 and 5000 Series, and Total Access 900 Series u nits.
Command History
Release 11.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following example sets an IP precedence value of critical in the IP header of the ro ute map named
(config)#route-map MyMap permit 100
(config-route-map)#set ip precedence critical