Command Reference Guide Global Configuration Mode Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 445

service password-encryption

Use the service password-encryption command to turn on global password protection. Use the no form
of this command to return to default settings.
Syntax Description
No subcommands.
Default Values
By default, globa l password pr ot ec tio n is di sa ble d.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000, 1000R, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and
Total Access 9 00 Series units.
Command History
Release 11.1 Command was introduced.
Functional Notes
When enabled, all curr ently co nfigured passwords are encrypted. Also, any new p asswords are encrypte d
after they are entered. Password encryption is applied to all p asswords, including passwords for
username, enab l e, Telnet/conso le, PPP, BGP, and authentic ati on keys . Whe n passwords ar e en cr yp te d,
unauthorized persons cannot view them in configuration files since the encrypted form of th e password is
displayed in the runn ing - con fig . While this provides some level of security, the encryption method used
with password encryption is no t a str ong for m of encr yp tion so you sh ould take additional network security
Usage Examples
The following example enables password encryption for all passwords on the unit:
(config)#service password-encryption
If you need to go back to a previous revision of the code (e.g., AOS Revision 10), this
command must be disabled first. Once the service is disabled, all necessary passwords
must be re-entered so that they are in the clear text form. If this is not done properly, you
will not be able to log back in to the unit after you revert to a previous revision that does
not support password encryption.
You cannot recover a lost encrypted passwor d. You must erase the startup-config and set a
new password.