Command Reference Guide HDLC Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 816
ip igmp
Use the ip igmp command to configure multicasting-related functions for the interface.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900 Series
Syntax Description
immediate-leave If only one host (or IGMP snooping switch) is conn ected to the interface,
when a leave is received, multicast of that group is immediately
terminated as opposed to sending a group query and timing out the
group if no device responds. Works in conjunction with ip igmp
last-member-query-interval. Applies to all groups when configured.
<milliseconds> This command controls the timeout used to detect whether any group
receivers remain on an interface after a receiver leaves a group. If a
receiver sends a leave group message (IGMP Version 2), the router
sends a group-sp ecific query on that inte rf ac e. After twice the time
specified by this command plus as much as one second longer, if no
receiver responds, the r outer r emove s that inte rface fr om the gr oup a nd
stops sending that group's multicast packets to the interface. Range:
100 to 65535 ms. Default: 1000 ms.
querier-timeout <seconds> Number of seconds that the rou ter waits after the current querier’s last
query before it takes over as querier (IGMP V2). Range: 60-300
seconds. Default: 2x the query-interval value.
<seconds > Interval at which IGMP queries are sent on an inte rface. Host query
messages are addr essed to the all-ho st s multicast gr oup with an IP T TL
of 1. The router uses queries to detect whether multicast group
members are on the interface and to select an IGMP designated router
for the att ached segment ( if more than one mu lticast router exist s ). Only
the designated router for the segment sends queries. For IGMP V2, the
designated router is the r outer with the lowest IP address on the
segment. Range: 0 to 65535 seconds. Default: 60 seconds.
<seconds> Maximum response time advertised by this in terface in queries when
using IGMP V2. Hosts are allowed a random time within this period to
respond, reducing response bu rsts. Default: 10 seconds.
<group-address> Configures the r outer's interface to be a statically-connected memb er of
the specified group. Packets received on the correct RPF interface are
forwarded to this inte r face regardle ss of whet he r an y re ce iv er s ha ve
joined the specified group using IGMP.
version [1 | 2] Sets the interface’s IGMP version. The default setting is version 2.