Command Reference Guide Frame Relay Sub-Interface Config Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 758
ip ospf authentication [message-digest | null]
Use the ip ospf authentication command to authenticate an interface that is performing OSPF
Syntax Description
Optional. Selects message-digest authentication type.
Optional. Specifies that no authentication be used.
Default Values
By default, this is set to null (meaning no authentication is used).
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900 Series units.
Command History
Release 3.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following example specifies that no authentication will be used on the Frame Relay interface:
(config)#interface frame-relay 1.16
(config-fr 1.16)#ip ospf authentication null