Command Reference Guide PPP Interface Configuration Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 895
bridge-group <group#> spanning-disabled
Use the bridge-group spanning-disabled command to transparently bridge two interfaces on a network
(that have no parallel or red undant paths) without the overhead of spanning-tree protocol calculations. To
enable the spanning-tree protocol on an interface, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
<group#> Assigns a bridge group number (range: 1 to 255).
Default Values
By default, spanning-t re e protocol is enab l ed on all cre a ted brid g e gr ou ps.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 5000 Series units.
Command History
Release 1.1 Command was introduced.
Functional Notes
When no parallel (redundant) paths exist within a bridged network, disabling the spanning tree protoco l
reduces traf fic on the bridge d interface. This traf fic reduction can be help ful when bridging over a WAN link.
Usage Examples
The following example disables the spanning-tree protocol for bridge group 17 on the PPP interface
labeled 1:
(config)#interface ppp 1
(config-ppp 1)#bridge-group 17 spanning-disabled
Technology Review
S p anning-tree protocol provides a way to preven t loopback or p arallel pa ths in bridged networ ks. Using the
priority values and path costs assigned to each bridging interface, the spanning-tree protocol determines
the root path and identifies whether to block or allow other paths.
Before disabling the spanning-tree protocol on a bridged interface, verify that n o
redundant loops exist.