Command Reference Guide Global Configuration Mode Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 351
Functional Notes
Access control lists are used as packet selectors by access policies (ACPs); by themselves they do
nothing. ACLs are composed of an or dered list of entries with an implicit deny all at the end of each list. An
ACL entry contains two parts: an action (permit or deny) and a packet pattern. A permit ACL is used to
allow packets (meeting the specified pattern) to enter the router system. A deny ACL advances the AOS
the next access po licy en tr y. The AOS
provides two types of ACLs: standard and extended. Standard
ACLs allow source IP address p acket patterns only. Extended ACLs may specify patterns using most fields
in the IP header and the TCP or UDP heade r.
ACLs are performed in order fr om the top of the list down . Generally the most specific entries should be at
the top and the mo st gen er al at the bo tt om .
The following commands ar e contained in the access-list standard:
Associates a descriptive t ag (up to 80 alpha numeric chara cters enclosed in quot ation marks) to the access
list. Enter a functional description for the list such as “This list blocks all outbound web traffic.”
Logs a message (if debug access-list is enable d for this access list) when the access list finds a packet
permit or deny any
Uses the any keyword to match any IP address received by the access list. For example, the following
allows all packets through the configured access list:
(config)#ip access-list standard MatchAll
(config-std-nacl)#permit any
permit or deny host <ip address>
Uses the host <A.B.C.D> keyword to specify a single host address. For example, the following allows all
traffic from the host with an IP address of
(config)#ip access-list standard MatchHost
(config-std-nacl)#permit host
permit or deny <ip address> <wildcard>
Uses the <A.B.C.D> <wildcard> format to match all IP addresses in a “range.” Wildcard masks work in
reverse logic from subnet mask. Specifying a one in the wildcard mask equates to a “don’t care.” For
example, the following denies all traffic from the network:
(config)#ip access-list standard MatchNetwork