Chapter 5: Troubleshooting

No Display Trouble Isolation


Audible Indicators

Visible Indicators









HDD clicking*

PC Power-On Self Test

The HDD begins clicking* as it is

If there is no display on the



(POST) memory test message

accessed by the system. The

external monitor, either the



on external monitor.

external SVGA monitor shows the

motherboard A4 (including CPU




POST messages. These messages

or RAM), the SVGA display




show the memory test.

board, cabling, or external VGA





monitor are suspect. Check the





cabling and VGA monitor first.





Next, use a POST (Power-On Self





Test) card to help isolate the no-





display problem. Install the POST





card in an ISA slot and apply





power to the instrument. The





POST card displays the





respective codes as the power-





on self tests are completed. See





the “POST Code Listing” in this





chapter for codes and





descriptions. Replace the





motherboard, CPU, or RAM as





indicated from the POST code












HDD clicking*

System board configuration

The HDD continues clicking* as the




appears on external monitor

instrument loads the oscilloscope




and internal display.

application. The flat panel LCD





backlight comes on and the display





shows the system board





configuration. This is an indication





that the motherboard and SVGA





display board are functioning













HDD clicking*

The Infiniium display appears

The HDD continues clicking.*




on the internal and external














Attenuators click as

Front panel LEDs change to a

The attenuators click. This is louder



solenoids are preset

normal operating pattern.

than the HDD clicking and comes



to known states

Both screens go blank

from the front of the instrument. The





front panel LEDs change to a normal





operating pattern. For example, the





Trigger LEDs show only one trigger





mode, such as Edge, and one trigger





coupling, such as dc.








Attenuators click to

Oscilloscope display comes

The attenuators click a second time.

If the attenuators click a second


their operating states

up on both the external

The oscilloscope display backlight

time but the display does not


(second interval,

monitor and the scope's front

comes on, and the display appears

come up, try the front panel keys


indicates scope

panel display.

on both the external monitor and the

to see whether they respond. If




scope's front panel display. The

so, there is a display problem. If




oscilloscope is running.

the external monitor shows the





screen but the oscilloscope does





not, the problem may be with





cabling, the backlight inverter





board A3 not supplying +900 V





and +12 V, the flat-panel display





A2, or the SVGA display board





A5. See the sections “To check





the backlight inverter voltages”





and ”To check the SVGA display





board video signals.”






* Later model hard disk drives are much quieter than earlier models.

The clicking can only be heard with the instrument sleeve removed and in close proximity to the hard disk drive.


Page 88
Image 88
Agilent Technologies 46A Or RAM, the Svga display, Show the memory test, Cabling and VGA monitor first, Post card displays