Setup Pages
MVP-8400i 8.4" Modero® ViewPoint® Touch Panel with Intercom
times when RAM cache is easily exhausted and the time taken to access Flash memory would be faster than network
latency. For example, when large dynamic images are being used over slow wireless links, putting the images into Flash
memory can help the situation, as the panel could spend more resources processing information rather than continuously
waiting on images to arrive from a slow network.
The elements of this page include:
DynaMo is an extension of the Dynamic images feature of AMX G4 devices that provides playback
of M-JPEG images. DynaMo Images are Motion-JPEG (or "M-JPEG") images that exist on an
HTTP server, external to the panel. The hardware-decoded images update at the rate of the
Dynamic Image server/camera they are viewing. The update rate can be up 30 fps on NTSC and
25 fps on PAL. The update rate is directly dependent on the quality of the network connection. For
example, DynaMo images can include streaming webcam images, which can be displayed on a
page, pop-up, or button. Like Dynamic Images, this feature requires you to specify a URL or IP
Address in place of image file. For more information on setting up DynaMo images, consult the
TPDesign4 (v2.11 or higher) Operation/Reference Guide.
FIG. 60 Cache Settings Page
Cache Settings Page Elements
Back: Saves all changes and returns to the previous page.
WiFi/Wired icon: The icon to the left of the Connection Status Icon displays whether the current
connection to the Master is Wireless (image of a radio antenna) or Wired
(image of three networked computers).
Connection Status icon: The icon in the upper-right corner of each Setup page shows online/offline state
of the panel to the master.
Bright red - disconnected
Bright green - connected. Blinks when a blink message is received to dark
green every 5 seconds for half a second then go back to bright green.
Bright yellow - panel missed a blink message from the master. It will
remain yellow for 3 missed blink messages and then turn red. It will return
to green when a blink message is received.
Note: a Lock appears on the icon if the panel is connected to a secured NetLinx
Image Cache Settings: Allocates Flash memory for image caching.
Flash Cache Size Press the Up and Down arrows to add and remove memory. Flash memory
allocation cannot exceed the amount of Flash memory on the panel.