

The NXD-500i may be programmed, using the commands in this section, to perform a wide variety of operations using Send_Commands and variable text commands.

A device must first be defined in the NetLinx programming language with values for the Device:

Port: System (in all programming examples - Panel is used in place of these values and represents all Modero panels).

Verify that you are using the latest NetLinx Master and Modero firmware, and verify that you are using the latest version of NetLinx Studio and TPD4.

Button Assignments

Button Channel Range: 1 - 4000 Button push and Feedback (per address port)

Button Variable Text range: 1 - 4000 (per address port)

Button States Range: 1 - 256

(0 = All states, for General buttons 1 = Off state and 2 = On state).

Level Range: 1 - 600 (Default level value 0 - 255, can be set up to 1 - 65535)

Address port Range: 1 - 100

These button assignments can only be adjusted in TPD4 and not on the panels themselves.

Page Commands

These Page Commands are used in NetLinx Programming Language and are case insensitive.

Page Commands


Add the popup page to a group if it does not already exist. If the new popup is added to a

Add a specific

group which has a popup displayed on the current page along with the new pop-up, the

displayed popup will be hidden and the new popup will be displayed.

popup page to a


specified popup


"'@APG-<popup page name>;<popup group name>'"





popup page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the popup page.


popup group name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the popup group.




SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@APG-Popup1;Group1'"


Adds the popup page ’Popup1’ to the popup group ’Group1’.





Clear all popup

"'@CPG-<popup group name>'"

pages from


specified popup

popup group name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the popup group.





SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@CPG-Group1'"


Clears all popup pages from the popup group ’Group1’.



NXD-500i 5" Wall/Flush Mount Touch Panel with Intercom




Page 83
Image 83
AMX NXD-500i manual Button Assignments, Commands, @Apg, @Cpg