GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9 | Issue 1 |
Hospitality Operations | November 2000 |
Hospitality Operations |
Call Accounting Operations | 71 |
8.Press the 2 button to run and print the current cumulative report.
9.While the report is running, press the c button to clear the cumulative report.
10.If this property is using Hilton Corporation (formerly Promus) equipment, press the 6 button to enter the Utilities subsystem from the Main Menu, and continue with step 11. Otherwise, continue with step 14.
11.At the Utilities menu, press the 4 button to select the Miscellaneous options.
12.Press the t button to restart the call record transfer between the call accounting system and the PMS. You may receive a confirmation message (pms.pause 644 mode). If you do, press the y button.
13.Press the q button to exit from the Miscellaneous options.
14.Press the 8 button to return to the Main Menu.
Printing Key Reports
This section contains procedures to print the following reports:
Detail Reports
Cost Reports.
Refer to the GuestWorks INTUITY Lodging Call Accounting User’s Guide for information on the procedures for printing other reports.
Detail Reports
To print Detail reports, do the following:
1.At the call accounting system terminal Main Menu, press the 5 button to enter the Reports subsystem.
2.At the Reports menu, press the 2 button to select the Detail option.
3.Press the 3 button to select the Config function.
4.Press the 1 button to enter the report setup. Set the following:
Post Call = N
Live Calls = Y
Send to Printer = Y
Compact Version = Y
Save on Disk = Y
All Peg Counts = N.