Table 4‐15 Engine Setpoints Continued | ||
Cooling time |
| Runtime of the unloaded |
| Step: 1s; Range: 0 - 3600 s |
AfterCoolTime |
| Runtime of engine after cooling pump. Binary output Cooling pump is |
| closed when the engine starts and opens AfterCool time delayed after |
| |
CoolingSpeed |
| Selects the function of the Binary output IDLE/NOMINAL during engine |
| Cooling state. |
| NOMINAL : Cooling is executed at Nominal speed and generator |
| protections are active. |
| IDLE: Cooling is executed at Idle speed and generator protections are |
| switched off. |
| Hint: Binary output IDLE/NOMINAL must be configured and connected to |
| speed governor. Engine Idle speed must be adjusted on speed governor. |
D+ function |
| ENABLED: The D+ terminal is used for both functions “running engine” |
| detection and charge fail detection. |
| CHRGFAIL: The D+ terminal is used for charge fail detection only |
| DISABLED: The D+ terminal is not used. |
| Note: Magnetization current is independent of this setpoint value. |
| Table 4‐16 Engine Protect Setpoints | |
ECUFreqSelect |
| This setpoint should be used only for Volvo and Scania engines. |
ECU Speed Adjust |
| This setpoint should be used only for Volvo and Scania engines. |
WTBF Accept RPM |
| The WtBfAcceptRPM delay setpoint will start to count down since |
| cranking. Controller waits before communicating with the ECU for this |
| time. This is because the JD engine passes some erroneous RPM signals |
| during the first 500ms. Step: 0,1s Range: 0 - 3s |
Eng prot del |
| During the start of the |
| blocked (e.g. Oil pressure). The protections are unblocked after the |
| Protection del time. The time starts after reaching Start RPM. |
| Step: 1s; Range: 0 - 300 s |
Horn timeout |
| Max time limit of horn sounding. Set to zero if you want to leave the output |
| HORN open. Step: 1s; Range: 0 - 600 s |
Overspeed |
| Threshold for over speed protection. |
| Step: 1% of nominal RPM; Range: 100 - 150% |
Wrn Oil press |
| Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 1. |
| Step: 1 psi; Range: Sd Oil press - 10000 |
Sd Oil press |
| Shutdown threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 1. |
| Step: 1 psi; Range: |
Oil press del |
| Delay for ANALOG INPUT 1. Step: 1 s; Range: 0 - 180 |
Sd Water temp |
| Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 2. |
| Step: 1 °C; Range: Wrn Wtemp - 10000 |
Wrn Water temp |
| Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 2. |
| Step: 1 °F; Range: Wrn Wtemp low - Sd Water temp |
Wrn Wtemp low |
| Warning threshold level for low value on ANALOG INPUT 2. |
| Step: 1 °F; Range: |
Water temp Low del |
| Delay for ANALOG INPUT 2 Wrn Wtemp low. Step: 1 s; |
Water temp del |
| Delay for ANALOG INPUT 2 alarm. Step: 1 s; Range: 0 - 180 s |
Wrn Fuel Level |
| Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 3. |
| Step: 1 %; Range: Sd Fuel Level - 10000 |
Sd Fuel Level |
| Shutdown threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 3. |
| Step: 1 %; Range: |
Fuel Level del |
| Delay for ANALOG INPUT 3. Step: 1 s; Range: 0 - 180 s |
Batt overvolt |
| Warning threshold for high battery voltage. |
| Step: 0,1 V; Range: Batt undervolt - 40V |
Batt undervolt |
| Warning threshold for low battery voltage. |
| Step: 0,1 V; Range: 8V - Batt overvolt |
Batt volt del |
| Delay for low battery voltage alarm. Step: 1s; Range: 0 - 600 s |
NextServTime |
| Counts down when engine running. If reaches zero, an alarm appears. |
| Step: 1h; Range: 0 |
4‐8 Operation | MN2408 |