Output Contacts All output contacts are
Run | The Run contact is a Form “A” dry contact to control the engines “Run” circuit. This typically includes external control devices | |
| such as “Fuel Rack Solenoids” or electronic governors. | |
Note: | An additional pilot relay will be required to energize high current devices that exceed the 10A resistive rating. The run output | |
| control logic provides an “Energize To Run Signal“ (i.e. the run contact closes when a run condition is activated). | |
| For energize to stop control logic, refer to the programmable output control function. | |
Crank | The Crank output contact is a Form “A” dry contact and is used to control an external crank pilot relay that directly controls the | |
| engine starter motor. | |
Note: | An external crank pilot relay is required to energize the high current starter motor pinion solenoid that exceeds the 10A | |
| resistive crank output contact rating. The crank output contact closes when a crank condition is activated and the contact will | |
| automatically open when crank disconnect speed is obtained and/or the generators output AC voltage exceeds 10% of | |
| nominal level. The generators output AC voltage is utilized for | |
| fail. |
Programmable Contacts | Four (4) standard programmable output contacts are provided, #1, #2, #3 and #4. Each programmable output is a Form “C” | |
| dry contact that is programmable for any of the following conditions: | |
Energize To Stop |
| The output relay will energize when a stop signal has been activated. The output will remain energized for 10 seconds |
| after the engine has come to a complete stop, then |
Switch Not In Auto |
| The output relay will energize when the controller's operation mode switch is not in the auto position. |
Engine Ready |
| The output relay will energize when the controller's mode switch is in the auto mode and no shutdown or alarm |
| conditions are present. |
Preheat |
| The output relay will energize during the start delay timer period and cranking period until the engine starts and reaches |
| crank disconnect speed. The preheat output is typically used for an engine starting aid such as glow plugs. |
| Note: An external pilot relay is required to switch the high current glow plug load. |
GEN Ready To Load |
| The output relay will energize when the generators output voltage and frequency exceeds predetermined setpoints (e.g. |
| voltage 90% nominal, frequency 95% nominal as user programmed) and a |
| output has energized, it will remain on (regardless of voltage/frequency levels) until the controller either has a |
| stop/shutdown signal, or the engine's speed drops below crank disconnect level. The voltage, frequency and time delay |
| levels are programmable. This output is typically used in an Auto Mains Failure (AMF) application. |
Utility Ready To Load |
| The output relay will energize when the remote start input has not been activated (i.e. contact on terminals 16 & 17 not |
| closed) and the Return Delay & Neutral Delays have expired (if programmed). The output will |
| remote start input has been activated and the Engine Start Delay & |
| output is typically used for Auto Mains Failure (AMF) applications. |
Engine Running |
| The output relay will energize when the engine has started and has reached crank disconnect speed. |
Engine Run (Fuel) |
| The output relay will energize when the engine “RUN” (i.e. FUEL) energizes prior to the engine starting. The output will |
| remain on until the engine has reached a “stop” or “shutdown” command. |
Airflap |
| The output relay will energize when the engine's speed exceeds the overspeed setpoint level. The output will remain |
| energized until the engine's speed drops below the low speed setpoint (typically 5% of rated speed). |
| Note: An external pilot relay is required if the main air flap solenoid current rating exceeds the contact rating. |
ATS Test |
| This feature is only operative if the remote transfer switch is interconnected with remote testing capability. |
| The output relay will energize when a load test operating mode is selected by the “Load Test” keypad |
| initiated, the engine will receive a start signal from the transfer switch and when the generator reaches nominal voltage |
| and frequency levels, a load transfer will be initiated. The generator set will remain running on load until a different |
| operating mode is selected or the generator set develops an alarm or shutdown condition. |
Note 1: | When the “Utility Ready to Load” and “Generator Ready to Load” outputs are programmed, the “Load Test” | |
| programmable output is not required as the engine starting logic is internally initiated. |
Note 2: | When both “Utility Ready to Load” and “Generator Ready to Load” outputs are programmed for an AMF control | |
| configuration, the ATS Output is not used (i.e. engine start signal is internally generated). |
Oil Bypass Timer Complete | The output relay will energize when the controller's oil bypass delay timer expires, following a normal start sequence. | |
Common Alarm |
| The output relay will energize when any alarm fault has been activated. |
Common Fail |
| The output relay will energize when any alarm or shutdown fault has been activated. |
Common Shutdown |
| The output relay will energize when any shutdown fault has been activated. |
EPS Supplying Load |
| The output relay will energize when the engine is running and the generator is supplying current to the load more than or |
| equal to 10% of nominal CT ratio. |
4‐20 Operation | MN2408 |