The Mint keyword REMOTEADCDELTA can also be used to reduce the amount of CAN traffic.

This keyword allows the user to specify an amount by which an analog input must change (delta) before a CAN message is generated. The value used will depend on the type of node; please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. This function can be used if the node has been set to ’Event’ mode using the REMOTEMODE keyword.

The following example code will set the delta interrupt for analog input 3 on node 2, to 100:


B.2.10 HMI Operator Panels

Baldor produce a range of HMI (Human Machine Interface) operator panel nodes which, when fitted with an optional CANopen driver card, can be fully exercised by a Baldor controller node over CANopen. The software in the CANopen driver uses a communication protocol based on the CANopen device profile for Human Machine Interfaces (DS-403). The types of HMI available range from a simple low cost device with a 4x20 character display and 10 keys, to a powerful touchscreen device with a 16x40 character VGA graphical display.

All of the HMI operator panels use the same CANopen interface for communications which is very similar to the singlecast communication described for Baldor controllers. Communication between a Baldor controller and a HMI operator panel is achieved via the comms array in the HMI. This comms array consists of the following:

H254 x 32-bit integer variables

H254 x IEEE floating point variables.

Using the HMI Operator Panel design software used to create the character/graphical layout for the HMI display, these two groups of variables appear as two separate databases (INT32_DB and FLOAT_DB respectively), using an index between 0h and FEh to access the individual variables. When accessing these variables from a Baldor controller they appear as contiguous elements of the device’s comms array.

Data format

HMI database variable

HMI variable index

Baldor comms index





32-bit integer


1 ~ FEh

1 ~ 254





IEEE floating point


1 ~ FEh

255 ~ 508





For example, if the HMI panel were to be configured as CANopen node 30, the COMMS keyword could be used to access the HMI data as shown:

COMMS(30,1) = 100

will set the 32 bit integer variable at index 1 to 100

COMMS(30,255) = 10.23

will set the float variable at index 255 to 10.23

? COMMS(30,1)

will read the 32 bit integer variable at index 1

? COMMS(30,255)

will read the float variable at index 255.

Note: It is useful to note that even though the comms array is being used to access data on the HMI, the data is only stored on the HMI itself and is completely unrelated to the data stored in the comms array on the Baldor controller.


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Image 129
Baldor MN1274 06/2001 installation manual HMI Operator Panels, 117, REMOTEADCDELTA.1.2.3 =