DOS Setup Printing Difficulties

I cannot print from my

Check that the DOS application software interface

application software.

settings match those of your printer. For example,


if you are using a parallel printer cable, you would


probably set your DOS software printer port to


LPT1. Check for an error message on the LCD.


Note: Some DOS applications do not print


correctly through Windows® . Restart in DOS mode


to avoid conflicts with Windows® .

The machine prints, but

This is an indication that your application printer

it prints incorrect

emulation Print setting and the machine’s printer


emulation do not match. Check your application

Sometimes it prints a

software to make sure you selected the correct

couple of characters and

printer driver. The machine emulates HP LaserJet

then ejects the pages.

IIP. Try setting the machine to HP emulation in


Remote Printer Console and then select the HP


LaserJet IIP printer in your application software.



The machine prints the

This is common problem with database and partly

part of my document but

with spreadsheet software when they are not

does not print the last

correctly set up. The data has been sent to the


printer but the printer did not receive the Page Eject


command. Press Job Cancel to cancel the page,


or send the Page Eject command to eject the page.


Then ask your software supplier how to add a Page


Eject (or Form Feed) command to the end of your


print job.



How can I change the

Use the Remote Printer Consol (RPC) program.

user settings or default


settings on the machine?





® Setup Printing Difficulties

I cannot print from my

Make sure the Windows® printer driver is installed

application software.

and that you selected it in your application





Sometimes I get the

If you are using the supplied Windows® driver, turn

error message PRINT

the error recover operation on in the Setup dialog


box and try again. Reduce the print resolution or

printing certain

reduce the complexity of your document and try

documents from

again. Expand the printer memory

Windows® .

by installing one of the optional memory boards.

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Brother MFC 4300 owner manual DOS Setup Printing Difficulties