setting at the device level 5-74setting at the port level 5-78
Setup of
management terminal 5-5SmartTrunk
introduction to 1-5 SNMP Community Names
setting of 5-33
SNMP Community Names screen access policy 5-34 community name 5-34
SNMP Traps screen 5-36 enable traps 5-37
trap community name 5-36trap destination 5-36
trap table configuration 5-37Spanning Tree Algorithm 5-40Special commands
use of 5-97
Special Commands, Network Tools 5-107
Specifications A-1 Standards compatibility 1-7Subnet mask 5-18, 5-22 Switch address 5-39
Switch Configuration screen 5-38age time 5-40, 5-42
MAC address 5-41 number of ports 5-39 port # 5-40
port status 5-42 selecting the STA 5-42 state 5-41
status 5-41
switch address 5-39 type of STA 5-40
Switch Statistics screen 5-81 clearing counters 5-83 frames fltrd 5-82 frames frwded 5-82 frames rcvd 5-82 frames txmtd 5-82 interface # 5-82
System Resources screen CPU type 5-46
current switch utilization 5-46 DRAM installed 5-46 FLASH memory installed 5-46 NVRAM installed 5-46
peak switch utilization 5-46 reset peak switch utilization 5-46
Technical Support. See Getting Help 1-10
Telnet connections 5-6 TFTP gateway IP addr 5-54 Trap table configuration 5-37 Traps
enable 5-37 Troubleshooting 4-1
checklist 4-7
Uninterruptible Power Supply
COM configuration for 5-7
connection of 5-7
Unpacking 3-2
VLAN configuration of 5-44
VLAN Main Menu screen 5-64