Manuals for the Machine
Manuals for the Machine
The manuals for this machine are divided as follows. Please refer to them for detailed information.
Read this manual first.
Starter GuideRead this manual to learn the required settings and connections before using the machine.
Read this manual next.
Basic Operation GuideRead this manual to learn information about basic operations and machine functions.
●What you can do with the machine
●Machine setup
●Connection and settings before using the machine
●Connecting the machine to a network
●Software installation
This Document
●Safety instructions
●Registering destinations in the Address Book
Machine the for Manuals
Read the sections of these manuals that correspond to your intended use.
Read this manual to learn detailed information about advanced machine operations and functions, and how to customize machine settings.
(Located on User Software CD)
●Advanced features
●Remote user interface
●Considerable effort has been made to make sure that the manuals for the machine are free of inaccuracies and omissions. However, as we are constantly improving our products, if you need an exact specification, please contact Canon.
●The machine illustration on the cover may differ slightly from your machine.