Specifying Destinations


Enter a fax number using







(numeric keys).




– You cannot insert a pause at the beginning of a























































– If you enter a pause at the end of the number,











the pause is always 10 seconds long.











– You can press

(Clear) to clear your entry.











– If <Confirm Entered Fax No.> in <Restrict the











Send Function> in <System Management Set.>











under <Additional Func.> is set to <On>, you











should enter the fax number again for











confirmation. Enter the fax number you





















entered in step 4, then press [OK]. (See



You can enter up to 120 characters for the fax

“Security,” in the e-Manual.)














Use [▼] , [▲] or

(Scroll Wheel) to


Details of each item are shown below.



<Set Destination>: Set the desired


select <Set Destination>, then press [OK].















<Backspace>: Delete the last number entered.

<Pause>: Insert a pause of several seconds in the fax number you are dialing. If you insert a pause within the fax number, the letter <p> is displayed between the numbers. If you insert a pause at the end of the fax number, the letter <P> appears.

When dialing an overseas number, insert a pause after the country code and at the end

of the fax number. (See “Dialing an Overseas

If you want to clear the specified

Number (With Pauses),” on p. 5-22.)



– <Tone>: Select when you want to directly call


Press the left Any key to select <Confirm/

an extension line that is connected to a PBX

(Private Branch Exchange), which accepts only



tone signals. If you select <Tone> and press













[OK], the letter <T> appears.







– <Direct Send>: Send documents directly to







the recipient. Select <On>, then press [OK]. If







you do not select direct sending mode,







memory sending mode is used. (See “Direct







Sending,” on p. 5-52.)







– <Hook>: Send a fax document manually or







use tone dialing. (See “Calling the Recipient













before Sending Fax Documents (Manual













Sending),” on p. 5-19, or “Switching







Temporarily to Tone Dialing,” on p. 5-21.)







