Specifying Destinations

Sending Originals to More Than One Location (Broadcasting)

Broadcasting enables you to send the same document to multiple recipients.

A maximum of 301 (201 for the Color imageCLASS MF8450c) destinations can be specified at the same time. (Out of the 301 or 201 destinations, one new destination can be specified.) If you specify a group of several destinations, each destination is counted as a separate address.

If you frequently send documents to multiple destinations, it is recommended that you store those destinations as a group.

When <Restrict Seq. Broadcast> is set to <Prohibit Broadcast>, you cannot send the documents to multiple recipients. (See “Security,” in the e-Manual.)

You cannot cancel to send only one destination out of the multiple destinations.

If you specify e-mail or file server addresses as destinations, <Color/File Format Settings> appears on the Send Settings screen. However, this setting is disabled when sending faxes.




Place your originals.

Press (Main Menu).

Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to select <Send/FAX>, then press [OK].


Specify a destination.





For details about how to specify destinations, see




“Specifying Destinations,” on p. 5-30.










Press the right Any key to select <Add














































