Use [▼], [▲] or

(Scroll Wheel) to select

<Enter Fax (New)>, then press [OK].


Enter the international access code using

(numeric keys).


If necessary, use [▼], [▲] or


Wheel) to select <Pause>, then press


You can enter successive pauses within the fax number to make the pause time longer.

You can change the length of a pause inserted within the fax number in <Set Pause Time>. The default setting is two second. (See “Adjusting the Pause Time,” on p. 5-69.)




Sending Fax Documents


Enter the country code, the area code,

and the fax number of the recipient.












If necessary, use [▼], [▲] or


Wheel) to select <Pause>, then press



Pauses entered at the end of fax numbers are always 10 seconds long.

9 Press (Start).

Scanning starts if the original is placed in the feeder, and the scanned data is sent to the specified destination when scanning is complete.

To cancel scanning, press the left Any key to select <Cancel>.
