text mode
The mode the printer is in when it is printing text.
text scale mode
The mode that reduces the line spacing by a factor of 14/15 (from 62 to 66 lines per page if line spacing is set to 6 lines per inch). This provides compatibility with software that assumes 66 lines will fit on each page.
top-of-form (TOF)
The printing position at the start of a new page.
true black
Contrary to “composite black”, true black colour on a printout is obtained with the use of black ink.
TrueType font
The scalable font technology built into Microsoft Windows 98/ Windows 95 and other software programs. It offers you the same font images on both computer displays and printer outputs.
The design of characters. For instance, Courier, Roman, Gothic, Prestige, and Draft typefaces all print characters of different designs.
Refers to how the type face appears: slanted (italic) or upright.
Denotes Universal Serial Bus, a new,