From the Start menu, choose Find, then click on Files or Folders. This displays the Find All Files dialog box.
Enter the file name Infrared.txt in the Named box, and then click on the Find Now button. (Normally, these files exist under the Windows directory.)
The Infrared.txt file describes the procedures for installing and | 2 |
using the IR Communications Driver Version 2.0. Please read the contents of the file carefully.
Using infra-red data transmission
Follow this procedure to set up the printer for data transfer via the IrDA interface.
1. The printer IrDA interface is on the left side of the printer.
IrDA interface
2. Locate the IrDA interface on the computer. Arrange the printer so the IrDA interface ports are facing one another.
The IrDA interface ports must face one another and be approximately level, within a range of about 15 degrees left or right, approx. 15 degrees up or down and not more than 80 cm (31.49 inches) apart.*
*May vary depending on the specific computer, PDA, and communication protocol used.