Chapter 3 Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS

Archiving Your Database


1 oraoragrp394 Mar 10 16:48

Step 6 Sftp the "id_rsa" and "" files generated in Step 1 to remote SFTP server /opt/orahome/.ssh directory. Make the file owned by "oracle:orainst" owner and group.

Step 7 Test SSH and SFTP from both the primary and secondary EMSs to the remote SFTP server:

a.From BTS primary EMS:

#su - oracle

$ sftp_ping oracle SFTPserverName

Connecting to SFTPserverName...

sftp> quit


Note At the first login, the following message may display:"Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts."

Step 8 To schedule the ora_sftp_backup.ksh process to execute at 5:30am every day in oracle crontab on both the primary and secondary EMS:

a.Log in as oracle, or su - oracle and enter the following:

crontab -e

b.Add the following line to the Oracle crontab on the primary EMS:


#SFTP backup files from primary (optical1) to /opt/backup directory of SFTPserver.

0 6 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_sftp_backup.ksh optical1 oracle SFTPserver /opt/backup > /opt/oracle/tmp/ora_sftp_backup.log 2>&1

Note Enter 0 6 *** /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_sftp_backup.ksh…ora_sftp_backup.log 2>&1 in the same line.

Step 9 Replace SFTPserver with the correct host name of the remote SFTP server.

Step 10 Replace /opt/backup with the correct target directory name, if different.

Step 11 Edit the oracle crontab on secondary EMS site by replacing optical1 with optical2.

Archiving Your Database




Step 1

Log in as root.




Step 2

Stop all platforms. If this is a primary node, use the CLI command to control the standby forced active.




Step 3

Verify that /var/yp exists. Enter ls -l /var/yp.





If the result is no such file or directory, enter mkdir -p /var/yp




Step 4

Mount the NFS server. Enter mount <nfsserver hostname/ip>:/<share directory> /mnt. Example:





mount /mnt




Step 5

Back up all interfaces. Enter tar -cvf /mnt/<local_hostname>.tar host*. Example:





<hostname>#tar -cvf bts-prica.tar host.*




Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x




















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Cisco Systems 10200 manual Archiving Your Database, Oraoragrp394 Mar 10 1648, Crontab -e