Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
IUA_MSG_OTHER_ERR Other message errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_MSG_TYPE_ERR Unsupported message type errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_NO_MEMORY_ERR No memory for message errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_NOTIFY_RX NOTIFY messages received on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_PARAM_FIELD_ERR Parameter field errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_PARAM_VALUE_ERR Parameter value errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_PROTOCOL_ERR Protocol errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_REL_CFM_RX RELEASE_CONFIRM messages received on the reporting SCTP
IUA_REL_IND_RX RELEASE_INDICATION messages received on the reporting SCTP
IUA_REL_REQ_TX RELEASE_REQUEST messages transmitted on the reporting SCTP
IUA_SCTP_ASSOC_ID The id of the sctp association with which the measurement measurement
block is associated. This is not an incremental measurement.
IUA_SCTP_TX_FAIL SCTP send failures on message processing errors on the reporting SCTP
IUA_STREAM_ID_ERR Invalid stream id errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_TEI_SAPI_ERR Invalid TEI or SAPI errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_UNEXPECT_MSG_ERR Unexpected message errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_UNEXPECT_PARAM_ERR Unexpected parameter errors on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_UP_ACK_RX ASP_UP_ACK messages received on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_UP_TX ASP_UP messages transmitted on the reporting SCTP association.
IUA_VERSION_ERR Invalid version errors on the reporting SCTP association.
Table 6-23 IUA Measurements (continued)
Measurement Description