Country (City) | Department Name or Service Area, | Area Codes, |
International Access Code | Website and | Local Numbers, and |
Country Code |
| |
City Code |
Hong Kong | Website: |
International Access Code: 001 | Technical Support |
Country Code: 852 | |
| |
| Technical Support (XPS) | |
| Technical Support (Dimension and Inspiron) | |
| Technical Support (OptiPlex, Latitude, and Dell | |
| Precision) |
| Technical Support (servers and storage) | |
| Technical Support (projectors, PDAs, switches, | |
| routers, and so on) |
| Customer Care | |
| Large Corporate Accounts | |
| Global Customer Programs | |
| Medium Business Division | |
| Home and Small Business Division | |
India | Website: |
| |
| |
| |
| Technical Support (XPS computers) | 0802 506 8033 |
| or |
| Technical Support (portables, desktops, servers, and | 1600338045 |
| storage) | and 1600448046 |
| |
| Sales (Large Corporate Accounts) | 1600 33 8044 |
| Sales (Home and Small Business) | 1600 33 8046 |