Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series
Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007 1-97
3) Only one data (1 Word/ 1 Double Word / 1 Bit) can be read and written for each communication. So, the
“Optimize” (Optimization for reading) selection in “Communication” tab in the “Configuration” dialog box
in “Options” menu (Options Æ Configuration Æ Communication) is cancelled.
4) When using RS-232 communication, the user only can use 3 pins (Pin 2, Pin 3 and Pin 5). DO NOT use
5 pins for RS-232 communication. Also, Pin 9 is for +5V. Do not confuse and connect to the wrong pin;
otherwise the serious damage may occur.