Times: If this is enabled and a time is set, this option sets the number of times FastManage “broadcasts” before giving up finding a node. “Enable IP” must be selected to enable this option. Checked and 3 times are the default.

Poll “hosts” List: If this is checked, FastManage reads through a Map list, if a name is in the hosts file, it will then use SNMP to discover a host. Checked by default.

Poll Map List: If selected, this option “discovers” each host in a Map through SNMP. Checked by default.

Find Only Digi Devices: If checked, this option finds and displays only Digi devices. Not checked by default.

Enable IPX: If this option is selected, FastManage enables IPX protocol. If not selected, FastManage will not perform any SNMP over IPX operation. This protocol is checked if IP was selected during setup.

Do IPX Routing: If this is enabled, user’s can manage IPX devices across the router. If the device name is specified in the host file, then that device will be discovered (the Enable IPX, Do IPX routing, and the Poll “hosts” list all have to be enabled).

The “Enable IPX” parameter must be selected to enable this option. Checked by default.

Do IPX Discovery: Use SNMP over IPX and find all devices that respond. The “Enable IPX” parameter must be selected to enable this option. Not checked by default.

Enable NetBIOS: When selected, this option enables NetBIOS using the NetBEUI protocol. If not, FastManage will not perform any SNMP over NetBIOS operation. This protocol is checked if IP was selected during setup.

Strict Name Resolution: If this is enabled, all device names starting with SNMPA will be treated as NetBIOS names. The “Enable NetBIOS” parameter must be selected to enable this option. Checked by default.

Do NetBIOS Discovery: If this parameter is chosen, the software uses SNMP over NetBIOS to find all devices that respond. The “Enable NetBIOS” parameter must be selected to enable this option. Not checked by default.

Default: Initialize all the parameters to default values.

Save Options: Saves all changes to the issnmp.ini file.

Cancel: Cancels the changes.

MIL-3000FTX Series of FastPort Print Servers


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Digi manual MIL-3000FTX Series of FastPort Print Servers