6.After verifying that the IP address change was successful, enter and issue the
Connecting as a Telnet Client
The Microsoft Telnet utility is available from the Command prompt. Telnet allows you to input SIS commands to the CrossPoint or MAV Plus switcher from the PC via the Ethernet link and the LAN.
Access the Command prompt and start Telnet as follows:
1.On the Windows task bar, click Start > Run.
2.At the Open prompt, type command.
3.Click the OK button.
4.At the Command prompt, type Telnet and then press <Enter>. The computer returns a display similar to the one shown in figure 104.
Microsoft (R) windows 2000 (TM) Version 5.0 (Build 2195)
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client
Telnet Client Build 5.00.99203.1
Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'
Microsoft Telnet>
Figure 104. Telnet Window
Telnet Tips
It is not the intention of this guide to detail all of the operations and functionality of Telnet; however, some basic level of understanding is necessary for operating the CrossPoint or MAV Plus switcher via Telnet.
Connect to the CrossPoint or MAV Plus switcher using the Open command. Once you are connected to the switcher, you can enter the SIS commands the same as you would if you were using the
Connect to the CrossPoint or MAV Plus switcher as follows:
1.At the Telnet prompt, type open {IP address} and then press <Enter>.
If the switcher is not password protected, no further prompts are displayed until you break or disconnect the connection to the matrix switcher.
If the switcher is password protected, Telnet displays the password prompt.
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • Ethernet Connection 152