printer specifications C-1 Printer Status tab, Toolbox 3-1printheads

aligning 3-2,4-7 checking status 4-3 cleaning 3-2,3-5,4-3,4-5 illustration 1-4

latch 1-4

light patterns on control panel 5-2,5-4 part numbers A-2

replacing 4-8status 1-1,3-1

printing supplies area in printer 1-4 cover 1-3

lights 1-4

ordering online 3-3,A-1

purchasing supplies and accessories online 3-3,A-1


quality, troubleshooting 4-19


RAM included with printer C-1 refilled ink cartridges 5-3 registering printer 3-2 regulatory information D-1 regulatory model number D-2 relative humidity specifications C-2 release notes 1-1

remote installation and management of peripherals 3-6replacing

ink cartridges 4-1 printheads 4-8

supplies, part numbers for A-2 requirements for installation C-2 resolution in dpi C-1

resume button 1-4resume light

blinking 5-2,5-3,5-4 illustration and description 1-4


safety certifications C-2

service identification number, locating 3-2 service providers, obtaining information about 3-3settings

changing for Macintosh 2-11 changing for Windows 2-10 description 2-10

setup documentation

HP Jetdirect print servers 1-1 printer 1-1

sharing printer

Macintosh network 1-11 Windows network 1-14

shopping website A-1size specifications

media 2-1 printer C-1

slow printing, troubleshooting 4-16software

compatibility C-1 copying 1-17 installing other 1-17

installing with hardware first, then software 1-8 installing with software first, then hardware 1-7 system requirements C-2

uninstalling 1-15 warranty B-3

special media duplexing 2-12 locking trays 2-8 printing on 2-16

specifications media 2-1 printer C-1

speed of printer by model 1-2

by print mode C-1

slow, troubleshooting 4-16 Starter CD 1-1


ink cartridges 3-4 monitoring remotely 3-6 printheads 4-3 supplies 1-4,3-1 through myPrintMileage 3-4 through Toolbox 3-1

stopping print jobs 2-12 storage specifications C-2supplies

ordering online 3-3,A-1 part numbers A-2

support resources B-1 telephone B-2 websites 3-5,B-1

system requirements C-2


technical support. See support telephone support. See support temperature specifications C-2test page, printing 3-5

text, troubleshooting 4-18,4-20 Textured Greeting Cards, HP A-4thick paper. See heavy media

This picture shows the control panel with the Ink Cartridge light blinking, and one or more of the color indicator lights and the Resume light on. 5-3


aligning printheads from 4-7 calibrating color from 4-10 checking status of printheads from 4-3 cleaning printheads from 4-3,4-5 Information tab 3-2

installing 1-1 myPrintMileage 3-4 opening 3-1

ordering supplies from A-1 Printer Services tab 3-2 Printer Status tab 3-1

tools for diagnostics 3-1top cover 1-3transparencies

HP Premium InkJet Transparency Film A-4 printing 2-18

tray capacities 2-3tray 1

capacity 2-3,C-1 clearing jams 4-11 duplexing from 2-12 feeding problems 4-22 illustration 1-3

inserting, troubleshooting 4-22 loading media 2-5

printing cards and cards 2-17 printing custom-size media 2-19types of media supported 2-2



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