HP 24SII manual

Models: 24SII

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For example, suppose you want to communicate with a 2400 baud modem connected to Port 2 of Module 2 and your PC is connected to a computer port set at the Model 24SII's factory default serial configuration (9600 baud, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, and XON/XOFF disabled). Port 2 of module 2 would need to be configured to communicate at 2400 baud to match the baud rate of the modem. However, you would configure your modem communications package to communicate at 9600 baud to match the baud rate of the computer port on the Model 24SII DES you are connected to. You are now ready to make the connection to the modem port through the Model 24SII DES.

NOTE: The Model 24SII DES does not pass hardware flow control lines through the unit. If your modem package requires a change of state in either the Data Carrier Detect or Ring Indicator signal lines, it is suggested that you use the results codes option on both the modem and your modem package when communicating through the Model 24SII DES. Please refer to your technical documentation on both your modem and your modem package on how to enable and use the results codes.

NOTE: Your external modem should be programmed to have the autobaud detect feature disabled. This is done by issuing the AT\J0 command for Hayes compatible modems.

Once you have finished your modem session, you must send the disconnect sequence (i.e., the Port Select Code followed by Enter/Return or Line Feed) to disconnect from the modem port and allow other users access to the modem port.


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HP 24SII manual