When Computer A transmits data to Computer B through the Model 24SII DES, the data is received from Computer A and stored in a

512-character buffer which in turn retransmits it to Computer B. When the buffer fills, the Model 24SII DES will make the DTR line low to Computer A, signaling Computer A that it cannot accept more data.

When the Model 24SII DES retransmits the data to Computer B, the Model 24SII DES will expect to see a high on the CTS line. When Computer B cannot receive any more data, the Model 24SII DES will expect to see a low on the CTS line.

When the buffer of the Model 24SII DES can receive more data, the Model 24SII DES will make the DTR line high to Computer A.


NOTE: The Model 24SII DES permits XON/XOFF to be enabled or disabled by port independently in the receive and transmit directions. The description of handshaking functions below considers XON/XOFF to be enabled in both directions. If XON/XOFF is disabled in one direction, that direction will support hardware handshaking as described in Section 7.3.1.
