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The balance of light (highlights) and dark (shadows) in an image. In black-and-white images, the lower the brightness, the closer the image will be to black. The higher the brightness, the closer the image will be to white. Brightness should not be confused with contrast, which measures the range between the darkest and lightest shades in an image. Brightness determines the intensity of shades in an image, while contrast determines the number of shades in the image.



To press and release the mouse button once.

clipped pixels

Pixels in an image that are extremely light or extremely dark and that would lose detail when the image is printed or displayed.


Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. The color model in which all colors are composed of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow, the primary colors of pigments like ink, plus Black. Printers use CMYK to print in color.

converted text

Text that has been rendered into digital format by an OCR program.

color balance

The preservation of balance between colors throughout the tonal range. Color balance is particularly important when scanning objects that include neutral tones (grays) or large areas of consistent color.