2 on 1 feature 21
install the 27 jams 54 use the 8, 29
adjust settings copy 18
align printheads 43 arrows 2
automatic document feeder load originals in 8
use for
best copy quality 16 blank page 60 buttons
cancel 3 keypad 2 lighter/darker 3, 17 menu 2
number of copies 2, 18 quality 2, 16 reduce/enlarge 2, 16 special features 3, 21, 22, 23 tray select/paper type 3, 24
cancel button 3 copy 25
cancel color calibration 48 cartridge
check ink level 36 clean contacts 43 replace ink cartridges 41
change paper tray 13 clean
ink cartridge contacts 43 printhead contacts 45 printheads 43
the exterior 36 the glass 35
the lid backing 35
clean the lid backing on page 31 7 collate copies 23
improve printing 47 improve quality 61 intensity of copy 17
color calibration cancel 48
contrast, enhance photo colors 18 copies
making 15 copy
2 on 1 21
an original 20
change default settings 18 color intensity 17 correcting problems 60 darken 3, 17
defaults 18
index | 89 |