Technical Reference Guide
Table 1-1. Acronyms and Abbreviations Continued
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
TAD | telephone answering device |
TAFI | |
TCP | tape carrier package |
TF | trap flag |
TFT | |
TIA | Telecommunications Information Administration |
TPE | twisted pair ethernet |
TPI | track per inch |
TTL | |
TV | television |
TX | transmit |
UART | universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter |
UDMA | Ultra DMA |
URL | Uniform resource locator |
us / ∝s | microsecond |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
UTP | unshielded twisted pair |
V | volt |
VAC | Volts alternating current |
VDC | Volts direct current |
VESA | Video Electronic Standards Association |
VGA | video graphics adapter |
VLSI | very large scale integration |
VRAM | Video RAM |
W | watt |
WOL | |
WRAM | Windows RAM |
ZF | zero flag |
ZIF | zero insertion force (socket) |
Compaq D315 and hp d325 Personal Computers
Featuring the AMD Athlon XP Processor
Second Edition – April 2003