Chapter 12

Scan To menu does not appear

Cause: The Scan To menu does not appear if:

The software that came with the HP All-in-One was not installed or necessary parts of it are not installed.

The HP All-in-One is not connected to the computer.

The computer is turned off.

You closed the HP Digital Imaging Monitor icon in the Windows system tray on the taskbar.


Follow the directions in the Setup Poster to install the software that came with the HP All-in-One.

Make sure that the HP All-in-One is connected to a computer.

If the HP All-in-One is directly connected to a computer, make sure the computer is turned on.

Restart the computer or start the software you installed with the HP All-in-One.

Scan To menu does not appear

Cause: The Scan To menu does not appear if:

The software that came with the HP All-in-One was not installed or necessary parts of it are not installed.

The HP All-in-One is not connected to the computer.

The computer is turned off.


Follow the directions in the Setup Poster to install the software that came with the HP All-in-One.

Make sure that the HP All-in-One is connected to a computer.

If the HP All-in-One is directly connected to a computer, make sure the computer is turned on.

Restart the computer or start the software you installed with the HP All-in-One.

Scanned image is blank

Cause: The original is placed incorrectly on the glass.

234 Troubleshooting