Using Tape Cartridges

Maintaining Tape Cartridges

Maintaining Tape Cartridges

Table 2-3

Tape Cartridge Maintenance















• Expose cartridges to magnetic fields.

• Store cartridges in a clean, safe


• Leave cartridges in the tape drive


place in their protective plastic



containers when not in use.


when library power is off.






• Expose cartridges to extreme

Remove dust on the outside of



cartridges using a damp cloth.


temperatures or extreme humidity.




(Older, frequently used tapes


Acceptable operating temperatures




may build up dust.)


range from 10-40° C (50-104° F).






Acceptable storage temperatures

Store cartridges vertically, not


range from 16-32° C (60-90° F).




Acceptable operating humidity

• Store cartridges intended for


ranges from 20-80%; acceptable



archiving data in their plastic


storage humidity ranges from




containers and in environmental






conditions of 18-28° C (64-82°





• Expose cartridges to moisture or


F) and 40-60% relative


direct sunlight.




• Drop the cartridges or carry them in a

• Use labels like those included in


loose container that could submit the


the accessories kit or that meet


cartridges to any unnecessary


the specifications listed in Table


physical shock.


A-1 on page A-3.


• Open cartridges lid, exposing the




tape to possible contamination or




physical damage.




• Touch the tape surface.




• Take cartridges apart.




• Use graphite pencils, water soluble




felt pens, or other debris-producing




writing instruments to label








• Erase a label; replace it instead.







Tapes Using
