setting, 1-20
status indications, listing of, 3-14
security code, setting, 3-23setting SCSI IDs, 3-11–3-13setting the mode switch, 1-20 shipping the library, 1-28 status, drive, 3-4 supplies, A-3
support, A-6 telephone, A-12
support centers, A-10
tape drives cleaning, 3-23–3-24
tape library clearance, 1-3 connecting, 1-23 moving, 1-28
TapeAlert messages, C-3–C-11
TapeAssure, 1-27 tapes
choosing, 2-3 ejecting, 3-19 labeling, 2-4 maintenance of, 2-9 write-protecting,2-8
tapes, unloading, 3-19–3-21 temperature
operating, 1-3 top-level menus, 3-6 troubleshooting, 3-39–3-42 type styles in this book, iv
unloading tapes, 3-19–3-21 unpacking the library, 1-4