Operating the Library

Setting and Viewing SCSI IDs



The current SCSI address setting flashes. Press NEXT or PREV until the desired



address displays, then press ENTER.



Press NEXT until UPDATE IDs NOW displays, then press ENTER.



IDs SAVED displays briefly, then one of the following messages displays:



• If the new settings do not conflict with other SCSI IDs in the library,



SCSI IDs * displays.



• If the new settings conflict with other IDs in the library, CONFLICT



ABORTED displays briefly, then SET IDs * displays. Any changes entered



are lost, and previous steps must be repeated to set a new address.



If any buses are daisy chained together, make sure the SCSI IDs are different



for each device on the bus.



• If a serial communications error is detected while trying to set the SCSI IDs,



DRV CONNECT ERR displays, followed by IDs NOT CHANGED. Any



changes entered are lost. The SCSI IDs* menu displays.



Press CANCEL three times to return to the drive status (“ready” state).




To save new settings can be saved to flash ROM, turn the library off, then turn it


back on. This allows the settings to be recovered if the library is powered off for


more than ten days.

Do not switch off power to the library until the SCSI bus is inactive. Removing power from a SCSI peripheral when the bus is active can result in data loss and/or indeterminate bus states. (Check the host system manuals for information about checking the SCSI bus status.) If the host is connected to a LAN, be sure to check with the system administrator before shutting off power to the library.

Operation Library
