Operating the Library



What to do



An error message is received after

• Verify that cartridges are inserted into the magazine in the

bulk loading tape cartridges.

correct orientation. (See “Loading Tape Cartridges Into


the Library” on page 3-15.)


• Verify that the correct tape type is used. (See “Choosing


Tape Cartridges” on page 2-3.)


• If the light bar on the display panel is orange, cycle power to


the library and try to load the magazine again when the drive


numbers and status indicators are displayed. (See the


caution note at the end of this table.)


• If SECURITY ENABLED displays, a security option has


been set that prevents cartridges from being loaded into or


removed from the library. See “Setting Configuration


Options” on page 3-25.


• If TRANSPORT FULL displays, the cartridge transport


mechanism already contains a tape cartridge. Refer to the


host documentation or call a service representative to


remove the cartridge from the transport.


• If a LOAD ERROR or FAILED message still displays, this


could indicate a library failure; call a service representative


for assistance.



Changed drive address but the new

Try rebooting the host computer. Some computers require this

address is not recognized.

for the new address to be recognized. (See the caution note at


the end of this table.)



Cannot remember the administration

First, try the default password (000-000-000). If the default is

menu password.

not accepted, call a service representative for assistance.



Attempted to open the front access

• The host may have reserved an element and must unreserve

door, but a RESERVED message

it. Refer to the host system documentation to unreserve a




• A security configuration was set to prevent cartridge


removal. See SECURE ON/OFF in the list of configurations


found in “Setting Configuration Options” on page 3-25.



Started a test and need to stop.

Press CANCEL. The current test loop continues until finished,


then the test stops.


