Table B-54 Administrative Commands (continued)



terminal time-out

Sets a limit for inactivity allowed during a CLI session. See “terminal time-out” (page 211)


Tracks internal system program modules that are called for a specific interface card. See


“trace” (page 211)


Defines the type of gateway or switch cluster connection being configured (some gateway


functions are not supported by HP InfiniBand). See “type” (page 212)


Used to create and manage administrative access to both CLI, GUI, and SNMP (Element


Manager GUI is not supported in initial release of HP InfiniBand). See “username”


(page 213)


Lists all the users who are currently logged into the CLI and the host system from which


they logged in. See “who” (page 214)


Writes a text message to the terminal of a specified user. See “write” (page 215)


Synopsis: The action command executes administrative functions on specified card(s). Currently, one function is provided. The administrative function provided removes inactive system-image switch cluster connections.

Syntax: action delete-inactive-image

Table B-55 action Keywords




Removes the inactive image from the system. The current system image is both installed


and activated.

Command Modes: Configuration Card (config-card) mode.

Privilege Level: Unrestricted or card-specific read-write user.

Usage Guidelines: Use this command to remove older system-images files from local gateway and switch cluster connection memory. Once removed, the card system-image can be synchronized to that of the controller system-image (some gateway functions are not supported by HP InfiniBand).

You must have read-write administrative permissions for the type of card being configured.


HP-IB(config-card-2)# action delete-inactive-images

Defaults: This command has no defaults.

Related Commands: “copy” (page 193)

“install” (page 200) “show card” (page 136)


Synopsis: The boot-configconfiguration command is used to specify the system-image that should be used to initialize the system firmware when the system powers-up, or is rebooted.

Syntax: boot-config primary-image-source dir

Table B-56 boot-config Keywords

key word


primary-image-source Specifies that the name of the new boot-config file is to follow.

190 Switch Command Line Interface

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Image 190
HP UX 11i v2 Networking Software manual Action, Boot-config, Table B-55 action Keywords, Table B-56 boot-config Keywords