Summary of Itutil Command Options

Optional parameters are available so you can filter itutil output. The following table describes the different command options:

Table 6-1 Itutil Command Options




Displays basic details about all interfaces on a given host. To filter results, specify an interface name


with the -i option or the transport type with the -t option, or both.


Displays Reliable Connection details for specified interface adapters.


Allows for download of trace or performance firmware onto the adapter. The default firmware on


the adapter is performance.


Displays help screen.


Restricts all subsequent options to a single interface. Use this command alone or in combination


with options -s, -r, -c or -T to filter your itutil results.


Tests link-level connectivity of a remote port specified with a GID.


Sends the “count” number of link-loop packets to the GID specified in-l option.


Resets statistics for specified interface adapters.


Resets the adapter.


Displays device and transport specific statistics for specified interface adapters.


Displays only adapters with the designated transport type. The only supported transport type is




Displays list of end-nodes that are reachable from specified interface adapters.

Itutil Syntax

The following syntax must be used with itutil command options:

/opt/rdma/bin/itutil -d switch_fw interface_name spigot_id /opt/rdma/bin/itutil [-srcT] [-i interface_name][-t transport_type] /opt/rdma/bin/itutil -d trace/notrace interface_name /opt/rdma/bin/itutil [-n count] -l GID interface_name spigot_id /opt/rdma/bin/itutil –R interface_name

NOTE: For a 448262-B21 Mezzanine card to work in DDR mode on a 410398-B21 switch blade, the 410398-B21 switch blade's firmware level must be 1.0.0; if the firmware level is lower than 1.0.0, the 448262-B21 Mezzanine card only works in SDR mode.

Should the level of firmware on the 410398-B21 switch blade be too low to allow the 448262 Mezzanine card to work in DDR mode, the command /opt/rdma/bin/itutil -d switch_fw interface_name spigot_id is used to upgrade switch firmware on the 410398-B21 HP switch blade. You can perform the upgrade from one of the HP-UX blade systems connected to the switch.

The (interface_name, spigot_id) pair identifies the Mezzanine card that is connected to the switch blade.

Itutil Administrative Commands

Use these basic commands to either display the help screen or reset the adapter.

Displaying Help Description: This option displays help screen.

Syntax: itutil [-h]

Example: # itutil -h

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HP UX 11i v2 Networking Software manual Summary of Itutil Command Options, Itutil Syntax, Itutil Administrative Commands