DConvenient functions for transmit

Break-in function (p. 6-3)

Push BK-INseveral times to select the break-in OFF, semi break-in and full break-in.

BKIN ” or “ F-BKIN” appears when the semi break- in or full break-in function is ON, respectively.

DAbout CW reverse mode




Interference Desired signal

Interference Desired signal

CW mode (LSB side)

CW-R mode (USB side)

CW-R (CW Reverse) mode uses the opposite side band to receive CW signals.

Use when interfering signals are near a desired signal and you want to use CW-R to reduce the interference.

During CW mode, push CW to select CW and CW-R mode.

DAbout CW pitch control

The received CW audio pitch and CW side tone can be adjusted to suit your preference (from 300 to 900 Hz in 5 Hz steps). This does not change the operating frequency.

Rotate [CW PITCH] to suit your preference.

• Adjustable within 300 to 900 Hz in 5 Hz steps.


DCW side tone function


When the transceiver is in receive (and the break-in


function is OFF— p. 6-3) you can listen to the CW side


tone without actually transmitting.


This allows you to match your transmit frequency ex-


actly to another station’s by matching the audio tone.


You can also use the CW side tone (be sure to turn


OFF break-in!) to practice CW sending. CW side tone


level can be adjusted in level set mode (p. 12-6).
